
We offer installation, configuration and support for all Windows Server Operating systems, along with Microsoft Exchange Server. This can be either on-premise or utilizing Exchange Online.

We also can help with cloud hosted servers, in both Microsoft Azure and AWS.

Contact us for more details.

  1. Server Deployment and Configuration:
    • Assisting in the selection and deployment of servers based on the specific needs of the organization.
    • Configuring server hardware and software to meet performance and security requirements.
  2. Virtualization:
    • Implementing virtualization technologies to optimize server resources and improve scalability.
    • Managing and configuring virtual machines for efficient resource utilization.
  3. Performance Optimization:
    • Analyzing server performance and identifying bottlenecks.
    • Implementing optimizations to enhance server speed and responsiveness.
  4. Security Audits and Hardening:
    • Conducting security audits to identify vulnerabilities.
    • Implementing security measures and best practices to harden server infrastructure.
  5. Backup and Disaster Recovery:
    • Designing and implementing robust backup solutions to ensure data integrity.
    • Developing and testing disaster recovery plans to minimize downtime in case of server failures.
  6. Server Monitoring:
    • Setting up monitoring tools to track server performance, availability, and potential issues.
    • Implementing proactive measures based on monitoring data to prevent issues before they arise.
  7. Server Upgrades and Migrations:
    • Planning and executing server upgrades, including hardware and software migrations.
    • Ensuring a smooth transition to new server environments with minimal impact on operations.
  8. Network Configuration:
    • Configuring server networking settings for optimal communication within the network.
    • Implementing security measures such as firewalls and intrusion detection/prevention systems.