
PC Healthcheck

Keeping your computer up to date and secure is very important. Like any machine, your computer needs constant care and will become slower and start to have problems if not maintained regularly. This means keeping it free of dust, malicious software, and viruses and ensuring the hard drive is maintained to reduce problems in the future.

You may be surprised at how fast your computer runs after being serviced, as over time your computer gets bogged down with unnecessary data. It is recommended that your computer is health checked and tuned up every six months to ensure smooth running and prevent future problems, which will save you money in the long run.

As part of our PC Health Check service to ensure your computer is running as fast and efficiently as possible,

We will:

  • Check for and remove viruses and spyware/adware from your Computer or Laptop
  • Remove clutter and temporary files that are no longer needed which will speed up and free space on your hard drive
  • Check your hard disk is functioning properly and efficiently,    ensuring it is free of defects, errors and bad sectors
  • Schedule preventative maintenance checks so your computer can automatically run maintenance tasks every week/month to ensure your computer is running as efficiently as possible
  • Clean the computer inside and out to remove dust and dirt from fans etc, to avoid damage to your computer or laptop (if required)

Carry out other tasks to optimize performance and speed

Our prices

Pricing details for our services

# Service Price Features
1 Dust cleaning and paste replacement $11 Praesent eu quam lacus. Aliquam magna tellus, ultrices aliquet tristique sed, dapibus et lacus. Aenean eu facilisis augue. Fusce sed nunc varius sem iaculis dictum a non nibh. In faucibus fringilla purus, vitae semper mi posuere dictum.
2 Standard computer diagnostics $15 Vestibulum tristique ligula in sodales cursus. Integer condimentum, nisl id molestie fringilla, diam magna maximus orci, quis lacinia tortor tellus eu leo.
3 Virus scan and antivirus installation $25 Quisque interdum tellus magna, in imperdiet ante fringilla auctor. Nam sapien ipsum, molestie ac scelerisque vel, mollis ac mi. Duis efficitur justo a arcu ultricies, sed fringilla odio gravida.
4 Data recovery $45 Proin efficitur sodales porttitor. Nullam commodo felis et magna bibendum tempor. Donec finibus odio ut vulputate tempor. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Etiam aliquam mi tortor, sit amet feugiat lacus dictum elementum.

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